
About Our Village


Kuigilnguq uitalartuq Kusquqviim anenrani imarpiim ceniini. Yugtun qaneryarangqertut, amllertaluteng-llu yui yuinat yuinaat nuniini. 

Nunat wall’u kuiget qanemcirangqelartut avatemteni, tauten-llu Kuigilnguum qaill kuingellra qanemcingqelartuq. Kuigtaitellruuq-gguq imumi mavet ciuliarit elkartellratni, taumek atengqellrulria Kuigilngurmek. Tua-i-llu-gguq nasaurluum uyamini katagluku nanvam iluani. Taum nasaurluum atiin uyamik yuallermini nataqenrilamiu nanvaq tauna qurllurcelluku, tua-i taum kinguakun kuingellruniluku qanemcitangqertuq. 

The village of Kwigillingok (meaning "no river"; the English pronunciation is kwee-gill-in-gawk) lies along the coast near the mouth of the Kuskokwim River. The primary language of Kwigillingok is Yugtun, with a population of about 400.  

Just like there are stories of rivers and lakes in the region, Kwigillingok did not have a river when the ancestral Yup’iks settled, and because of that it was named Kwigillingok Then one day after a girl lost her necklace in the lake, the father drained the lake to look for it, and the river was formed from the drainage. 

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