Kwigillingok School

About Kwigillingok School

Lower Kuskowim School District-aaq elitnaurvilillruuq Kuigilngurmi upnerkani 1980-m qaqiillunii-llu uksuarani. Cali ilakanillruluku qaqiilluni-llu 2014-ami.

Kuigilnguq elitnaurvigmi ayagnirluni PreK3-4 yavet 12 grade-amun elitnaulartut. Agaynilriit puqigluteng Yugtun elitnaurumalartut Yugtarllainartun igaryaramek, naaqiyaramek, ellatucaaryaraq, naaqutliuryaraq-llu Kassatun. Kassatun-llu qaneryaraqkun puqilriit elitnaurumaluteng tamalkuita elitnaurucet Kassaturllainaq. 

Kuigilnguq elitnaurvik elitnauristengqertuq ikayurtait-llu.

The Lower Kuskokwim School District began building the Kwigillingok School in spring of 1980 and completed the construction in the fall. The new addition to the school was built in 2014. 
The Kwigillingok School serves 144 students from Pre-K to 12th grade as a dual language school. In grades Pre-K through 2nd grade, language arts instruction is given in the student's dominant language. In 3rd through 6th grades, students receive language arts instruction in both Yugtun and in English. For elementary grades, social studies and science are taught in Yugtun and math is always taught in English.

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