
Welcome to the Kwigillingok Eagles website! 
The Kwigillingok School mascot is the Eagle, with school colors of blue and white.

Kwigillingok means "no river" when translated from Yugtun, when in reality there is a long stretch of river; in addition there are many creeks flowing into the river. It is located 90 air miles south of the nearest hub, Bethel. There is no road system, but there are long stretches of boardwalk that are used for all-terrain vehicles for transportation around the community. Transportation to Kwigillingok is by flying, boating in the summer months, or snowmachining during the winter. The Yugtun language is still the dominant language in the community, although it has seen some gradual decline the past few years.

The Kwigillingok School is a dual language school with about 144 enrolled students from Pre-3-year-olds through 12th grade. The numbers fluctuate as students transfer to other schools, or transfer back. 

There is a staff of 28; 9 certified teachers, 4 Yugtun associate teachers, 6 instructional aides, and 9 classified staff employees. 

The students participate in extra-curricular activities through the year: cross country, Native Youth Olympics (NYO), basketball, volleyball.  Other extra academic programs are offered during the summer months through LKSD summer programs. 


Google Map

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Our Mission Statement

Students will be taught to prepare themselves for higher education and to survive in Kwigillingok or any other community.  They will be taught to be competent through traditional philosophies and to live to a flourishing life by respecting themselves and others.

Elitnauarat elitnaurumaarkaugut upluki elitnauvsiallerkaatnun cali-llu pingnatugyugngallerkaatnun Kuigilngurmi wall’u allani nunani. Elitnaurutekluku qaillun ellaitnek auluklerkaat qanruyutetgun yuuluaqallerkaatnun-llu ellmeggnun qigcikulluteng wall’u allat yuut.



Brian Hickman

Principal Brian Hickman

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